Thursday, November 2, 2017

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Launceston's Willows Promoted

The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) 
Tuesday 27 November 1917 

WOOD FOR ARTIFICIAL LIMBS To the Editor Sir,-With: regard to the item in the "West Australian" of the 12th instant, 1 Fix this text to inform the Defence Department that hundreds of thousands of tons of the osier -willow can - be obtained along the banks of the North Esk. River, between Launceston and St. Leonards, Tasmania This wood may be suitable for the above purpose. For about nine miles the willows have taken possession of the river and swamps adjacent thereto, and owners of the land would be only too pleased to part with them. From Newstead to Hobbler's Bride they have been pollarded to a height of about five feet, and the osier are carted to Launceston, where Ballard's basket works are well known. Coogan and Son. Launceston, also do a large trade in fancy chairs, whatnots, etc. On many occasions I have watched the workmen in the latter factory. The men get so expert that, like knitting. the work can be done by blind men. It appears to me that basket work, etc.would be very suitable for invalided soldiers, as the work is done seated on the floor, and is not laborious. This remark also applies to the making of nets. :Have the Repatriation Committee considered this?--Yours, etc.. H A. DOUGLAS, State School, Gingin Brook, Nov. 

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